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Crafts: How to make a Parrot Feather Pendant

Sofia has made beautiful jewellery from her budgies’ moult feathers. I have asked her to write for us a detailed explanation so that we may be able to convert our birds’ feathers into little works of art, as well. Here it is:

by Sofia Karl

During moulting season we often find large and small feathers which are beautiful, but useless. Today, I would like to show you how to make pretty jewellery from those feathers.

You may purchase the required supplies from DIY stores, craft shops or from the internet. You will need: One crimp bead, jewellery wire, small beads, pliers, scissors, feathers and leather string.

Crafts: How to make a Parrot Feather Pendant

Photo: Sofia Karl

Step 1:

Start by taking about four inches (ten centimeters) of the jewellery wire and laying it double. At the top make a knot so that you have a formed a little loop. This is were the leather band will be passed through later for hanging your pendant.

Step 2:

Next, string a few beads (not too many) onto the wire and at last the crimping bead.

Crafts: How to make a Parrot Feather Pendant

Photo: Sofia Karl

Crafts: How to make a Parrot Feather Pendant

Photo: Sofia Karl

Step 3:

Push one or two feathers into the crimping bead and tighten it securely by squeezing the bead hard with the pliers.

Crafts: How to make a Parrot Feather Pendant

Photo: Sofia Karl

Step 4:

Cut off the wire close to the crimping bead.

Crafts: How to make a Parrot Feather Pendant

Photo: Sofia Karl

Step 5:

String the pendant with its loop onto the leather band or a necklace and voila you are done.

Crafts: How to make a Parrot Feather Pendant

Photo: Sofia Karl

Thank you, Sofia! 🙂