Use of articles

You like my articles and you would like to use them on your website, newsletter or similar?

I think it is great that you want to help to spread the knowledge about parrots and other birds. After all this can only help the animals which is why I am writing these articles. So, yes, you may use EXCERPTS of my articles, provided you adhere to the following guidelines.


All rights for texts, graphics, images, design and source code remain with me (the author). Any distribution in print or electronically is permitted only within the constraints of these rules:

  • The excerpt may not be longer than the first 240 characters or the article
  • The content may not be changed in any way
  • Complete credit must be given as shown below and it must include the link to my website. To facilitate this, I have included the required html code:

    An article by parrot coach Ann Castro - The Bird School => to full article ...

    html code:

    An article by parrot coach Ann Castro - The Bird School => <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">to full article</span> ...</a>

  • You must inform me immediately in writing when you have used one of my articles ( A link or print must be included.
  • No third party rights are affected
  • All effort has been made to ensure that all information in this text is accurate, up-to-date and easily understandable. As knowledge is expanded continuously, readers must verify for themselves whether any statement may have been made obsolete by newer findings. The author, publisher and any persons representing or working for the aforementioned cannot be held responsible for unforeseen consequences of the use or misuse of this information
  • Should these rules be in any way unclear, please contact me BEFORE you post

Thank you.
Ann Castro.