Parrot Problems - Anti-Screaming Training: Don't wait, until it's too late!

I received an email over night from a desperate parrot owner asking me for help. Her neighbor is taking her to mediation court in less than a week because her macaws are screaming too much in the outside aviary.

This is obviously a problem that has taken some time . . . more

Parrot Harnesses - Delight or Danger?

The girl on the phone sobbed inconsolably. She had taken her African grey parrot outside in a harness. When she realized she had forgotten her wallet, she passed the bird and its leash to her friend while she ran back inside to get her money. She was gone for just . . . more

Parrot Rescue | Carlo's Song | One Macaw's Story

Carlos was a beautiful blue & gold macaw who had been wild caught. His plight inspired me one late night to write a song about all the wild caught parrots and their sad plight. A friend helped me to put it to music. I am not a singer and I . . . more

The Parrot & The Slave

Handicapped Greenwing Macaw Soliciting Scritches

Lailah is certainly relishing the extra time I now have for her and is progressing in leaps and bounds. My little girl and I are making great progress in her “Up” and “Down” training. I can now lift her up by her healthy foot and also by holding her body . . . more

Greenwing Macaws Join Flock in the Bird Hall

01-09-2012 Today is a really exciting day here at the bird school. As you know I had four Greenwing macaw parrots in my bedroom – unflighted / handicapped birds which could not be safely placed in the bird hall. Miss Lizzie’s horribly mauled flight feathers have been growing back over . . . more

Anti-Scream Training for Peaceful Mornings

As you know I have currently four Greenwing macaw parrots in my bedroom – unflighted / handicapped birds which cannot be safely placed in the bird hall, yet.

Well, my feathered darlings had gotten into the habit of loudly greeting the new day at an ungodly hour. <sigh>

I finally . . . more

Severe Macaw Lara - First Time in the Flight Hall

Lara, the Severe macaw, first day in the flight hall

28-05-2012 Those of you who follow me on facebook know that one week ago little Lara moved in with us and you have read about a gazillion mini-updates during her first week here. Hope, I have not been boring you too much with my excitement! 🙂

For those who aren’t . . . more

My New Book is Out!

Screaming % Screeching: How to Solve Problems with Clicker Training for Parrots and Other Birds

Dear Friends and Readers,

I am so pleased to announce that my new parrot book is out!

Screaming & Screeching: How to Solve Problem Behavior with Clicker Training Would you and your family like to spend quality time with your birds without fear of bursting your eardrums? Would you like . . . more

Greenwing Macaws Bathing

When greenwing macaw Jack first came to live with me he hated bathing. Hard to imagine when you see him in this video, isn’t it?

Being a parrot trainer, I taught him to take showers in many little training steps that were strung together after he learned each one of . . . more

Silly Games with Lizzie

Green wing macaw Lizzie playing not training

06-05-2012 It is a grey and rainy Sunday morning. Time for Greenwing Macaw Lizzie and I to brighten up our day with some silly games: Chasing the mouse pointer while she perches on top of my iMac. She must have been a cat in her previous life.

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